Look at these cute salt and pepper shakers
LouAnne sent me just because. They were part of her Mum's collection from the 40's-50's. They are in immaculate shape. She has now handed it off to me to pass on this type of act of kindness to another fellow blogger....hmm...I have an idea or two.
Thank you LouAnne!
You lucky little lady! These are really great! I've never even seen some of these before. What do the weiner dog ones say on them?
jenThe little doggies say "I thought I knew all dogs in town" and the dog is wrapped around a tree trunk sniffing his own ass!!! ha!!
Sorry i left that out, that's what happens everytime i am posting in a rush.
Mary: I'm so glad you like them, but then you DID pick these out of the pictures I sent you! ...grins... The rest got put up on ebay this week. I have clung to a lot of Mum's things for a long time. There's still a lot but I think it's time to let these go. She was a bit of collector, but nothing compared to my mil whose whole house full of stuff I inherited! Smiles to you!
Those are really fun!
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