I was in Michael's the other day and happened to stumble across some really cool stuff in their dollar area. Normally this area totally sucks and is just too flowery icky blah, but look at these darlings! Images of vintage Kellogg's cereal box fronts turned into an array of things to make me happy! Pictured on top are a set of 8 cards with envelops (2 of each design), sticky notes and magnets.

These are small spiral bound lined notebooks! I am really in love with that little monkey. Also in this series is a 'grocery list' looking notepad as well, but only in the design of Tony the Tiger (at least at my Michael's that's all they had) and no monkey so I didn't pick any of those up. Can you believe it! Only a dollar each! Cheap cute stuff like this seriously makes me happy.
those are so cute, ill have to look in my Michaels, I am addicted to Targets Dollar spot, boy do I have to stay away from that place
I had no idea such places existed. *Runs off to cross boring things like "visit museum" off itinerary for upcoming trip to USA and replace with "Find Target and Michaels dollar spots"* Those notebooks are so cool. Well found!
Omg, those are awesome! My local Michaels never has anything that cool, in the dollar bin or otherwise. I'm glad those lovely cereal motifs found a loving home.
Ooh! Got to get to Michaels - Evan loves the old Kelloggs characters (especially the original Tony and Coco the monkey!) but the toys of them that have been coming out are WAY too expensive! $1 each is more like it!!
cool, must head there quick!
I'm heading out now!! ;) So cute!
I MUST have those notebooks, fingers crossed that my Michaels has them!
I almost never go to Michaels, but was there last week and picked up the Tony the Tiger grocery list thing. I thought they were grrrreat!
I'm so glad you found these! And I'm also glad that the big chain stores can surprise us every once in awhile.
I got me some of those weeks ago too!
Glad to see someone else was all googly over them!
I saw these on your site and thought "I have got to get to Michael's!" Then, that night, a friend phoned me and she said "You know, I got you something at Michael's today, you'll never guess." And I said "Let me guess... a cereal box notebook?"
True story!
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