I really wish I could go on this vacation again. It was in the summer of 2003 to Silver Springs FL., the home of the glass bottom boats! I collect vintage brochures and souvenirs from family travel destinations that were popular in the 40's-50's and some 60's. I really like any that have to do with FL, since that is were I live. If any of the places are still around, that's were I choose to go on trips.
This is the hotel I stayed in...Surprising called The Silver Springs Hotel! It was sooo cool! The man that owned it even gave me a vintage 70's post card from when they last remodeled! Ha ha! But the hotel dated from the 1950's. I just loved the architecture of the building!
Here I am in the park. Other attractions at the park, other than the world famous glass bottom boats, are animal exhibits, nature trails, and a 'safari' jeep ride.
I just knew when she looked around the audience for a victim..It was going to me. She made me close my eyes and then put this huge ass snake on me!!! I am freaking scared on snakes! But I played it cool because I knew it was going to make a neat photo! Ha ha! I am all about photo op's!!

Here I am with one of the park's favorite attractions.. The Crooked Palm. I was trying to do a similar pose, like the gal on the brochure in the top photo ! Ha ha!

This place is just beautiful!

I get soo excited when I go to these old places! Like I am about to meet John Goodman (p.s. I have a big crush on him as Dan Conner)! While in Silver Springs, went to some neat places to eat and a BUNCH of Thrift Stores! They soo rocked! Lots of good stuff!
I did that to MY bangs once! Hey! Thanks for visiting my blog today and liking the redwork kids I'm doing. I have to tell you that YOUR blog is one I don't miss. It Rocks! Have you on my blogline feeds and am happy to see when you have new posts! Could also sign as
Old Enough to be your Mum!
You and your husband make the most adorable couple!
I love the photo booth pics you've been posting.
I didn't know you lived in FL, Thats where I live too:)
when we lived in titusville/merritt island we once took a vacation to a place that i thought was called silver springs. we actually took a boat to one of the springs where people "parked" their boats, got out and swam (swum?). the water was so crystal clear it was unbelievable. are we talking about the same place here? i was prolly in the fifth or sixth grade.
anywho~great pictures :) and i wanted to ask, have you thought about signing up for the swap i am hosting? if you don't already know about it, check it out. this swap is made for girlies like you :)
What a great place! We love staying in the touristy "resorts" of the 50s/60s. BT has some pics of one on his Flickr account - I will have to add some more sometime. Love that this place has such great memories for you!
LOL! Nice photos! You and your hubby look so cute :) I also have a BIG CRUSH on John Goodman as Dan Conner, LMAO!!! That's too funny ...I've been watching WAY too much Roseanne on Nick@Nite lately.
That is one awesome resort! Thanks for joining Midcentury Neighborhoods, BTW. I hope you'll upload some pictures of that hotel!
Oh, and WHO doesn't love John Goodman as Dan Connor, or just about any role, really?
Mary, that is the best post. I love how you make your love of old stuff meld into your modern life. I do that, too ... OMG it was such nirvana when I was in Rome five years ago, and one night just laying around in the hotel, "Roman Holiday" came on the TV (in Italian, natch) ... it was the coolest thing. And I *love* old travel brochures.
The pictures of you are just plain adorable. And that hotel is so cool! Florida must be heaven for a retro girl like you ... I bet there's great spots everywhere.
Great photos-- I realllly like that hotel, so cool!
so totally bananas over this post! I collect travel memorabilia (especially loving florida stuff) so you know, I was drooling over all this goodness! a trip like this sounds so good to me right now... I think I might have some old silver springs travel brochures-- must dig them up and send them to you...!
Oooh, Britney Spears, lol. I love that vintage brochure pic.
You look so cute! I love the photos.
We're going to Disney Florida in a couple of weeks. I LOVE the old tourist traps you can find in FLA. I'm BUMMED that we're flying out there this time and not road tripping it.
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