Here I am as a Zombie Prom Queen for our Krewe of Hades Mardi Gras float this weekend. And my hips are NOT as big as this dress makes them out.. I have the stunning fashions of the 80's to thank for that. Such lovely figure appealing styles right?

Here is the whole krewe. Everyone looked so awesome. This amazing artist, Lemmie (far left, getting necked) did our zombie make-up. We all had such a good time. Of course it rained like a MF right before we rolled but stopped long enough for us to toss fake little skeletons at the crowd, which totally disgusted them. I don't get why? I thought the skeletons were really cute. I held on to a few myself.

Here is the dress pre-zombie. I think I improved it! Ha ha! I slashed it up, rubbed it in the ashes of the fireplace and had it splattered with blood. The sash (which I aged with coffee) said 'miss 1986" in silver glitter but got pretty bloody. I rode on the float and did the cupped hand beauty pageant wave to the crowd. Many folks got it and did it back to me.
This weekend was so fun and crazy all together. One of my favorite singers came into town for a show Friday night, Willie Heath Neal. Dixie Doll Kathy and I got our picture with him..Swoon...But she took it with her camera and I haven't got a copy of it just yet. She and I went out Friday and Saturday night and had soo much fun. Dixie Doll Heather hasn't been feeling so good the last week or so and she sadly wasn't able to join in any of the festivities. We all really missed her.
This week I am going to busy preparing for pumpkinbutt's birthday party. So, once again, I might not be 'home' much this week. Sorry again, I haven't been visiting all my favorite blogs and leaving lovely comments....I will be catching up by next week hopefully.
Ohmygosh! BT is going to be insanely jealous that we do not have a similar MG event around here. He is dying (sorry - bad pun) to dress up as a zombie for some public event. He heard about a zombie rights march (no joke), and has been looking for something local ever since.
You look so great! I can't believe what a transformation that dress went through!
I miss Mardi Gras now that I'm not in parade country anymore. :(
Your costume is awesome, though.r
Jen! i don't think the other Mardi Gras float people 'got us'! Living in the south and being the Krewe of Hades...can't believe we were able to away with it! Ha ha! lemmie actually wants to do his own zombie movie..so I am hanging on to the dress!
Hilarious. You look hot as a zombie prom queen.
And a luchador mask is ALWAYS funny.
"And a luchador mask is ALWAYS funny."
you oughta see that guy without the mask...
GREAT concept for a float! And I love your zombie dress. A big "poo poo" on the other Mardi Gras float people. It's supposed to be fun!
You look great with all that blood on your mouth. Reminds me of the ORIGINAL "When A Stranger Calls":
"I want your blood.... ALL OVER ME."
I saw you!! I even pageant waved back lol. Not to be a wierd blog stalker BUT lol, I was on Hamilton Bridge road yesterday and saw somebody in a vintage car that looked just like you! I thought do I like honk or wave or something lol. Rather than be a wierdo I just let her pass on by and wondered if its that cool local chick whose blog I read
girl, you're just a little bit scary and I LOVE IT. brilliant costume. and phooey on all the party poopers. plastic skeletons for all, I say!
You look Amazing! Awesome job, some would say Tangonious even
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