:first apron (that you can remember):i remember having a cute pink frilly sassy apron in my size when I was little but
after so many moves, it has been lost. :(
my mom still has the first apron she made in high school for home ec (it has gold rick rack)
I just got a
cute red gingham deal for a buck a coupla weeks ago.
:dream apron:my dream apron would be one that is figure flattering, dutiful and got some style to it.
like this

(i don't own this apron.. some other apron lovin' hussey out bid me on ebay for it!)
or this
:favorite aprons:
I generally don't care for floral prints but I made an exception for this one just because of the lovely color combination.

I like the print and the style of this one. It is my favorite 'all purpose'.
I got both of these vintage aprons during that great
hospice sale I am always raving about, just at different times.
:dream sewing machine:easy! A Bernina, baby! I do own a Bernette, which is made by the Bernina company...but damn...I want me a Bernina fo' real!
:what do you put in your apron pockets? Or what strange thing have you ever found in them?:hmmmm...pockets are great to put small toys in and give to the boy to keep him occupied while I am cooking. However, here recently he has started playing with the little 'kitchen' I set up for him in my kitchen. He has a thing for the fake fried egg and baking it in the toy oven ...and washing it and carrying it around with him.... I also put recipe cards in my pockets. Haven't found anything strange in them 'cept the occasional lint ball.
:condiment(s) you can't live without:I love
Tony's Creole seasoning. It can make just about any (non dessert) dish taste fab!
cholula hot sauce and
sriracha hot chili sauce ,which I call rooster sauce, are two other fav's.
:do you favor showy aprons or dutiful ones?:I own more showy aprons. But really wear my few dutiful ones for serious stuff.
:favorite cooking gadget:I'm not much of a gadget gal. My mom is nuts over them. I did have a fondness for her automatic potato peeler for some reason. It had a set of blades that turned really fast and took twice as long to peel the potato as by hand and it made a huge mess of soggy micro peels. But it was fun to use. She has had many veggie mangling machines/gadgets.
I do have a rice cooker that I am very fond of.
:cooking gadget that promised the world but didn't deliver:see all the above! I honestly hate gadgets....'cept my rice cooker, we're like this: (fingers crossed together)
:a recipe that you know by heart and any stories behind it:I make a pretty good veggie lasagna the I know the recipe by heart. no real stories behind it 'cept for the fact that it's really one of the best things I make and since it involves no trickery in it's ingredients the fam feels safe eating it.