Thursday, March 28, 2019

Simplicity 1962: Ice Cream Colors

I saved the "best" for last.   From the 1962 Simplicity Spring pattern fashion catalog comes this horrific piece called "Ice Cream Colors".   It's not horrific because of the clothing styles, or even the ice cream colors.  It's the photography.  My guess is the regular photographer called out dead.  As a last resort someone mentions that their 45 year old male cousin who lives in his parents basement along with his towers of "Skank Bait" amateur porn magazines is a "photographer" and he'll work for a 6 pack of Coors and a carton of Kools.

"Pssst....This is going to be outraging ladies!"

Outfit is a bit bright for me, but I kinda like the style.


Get used to seeing this lowest common male denominator of licking the ice cream cone suggestively. Seriously this is a magazine for WOMEN who are sewers not Men who are perverts.

I like the colors shown in the photo but not the outfit style.  It makes her hips look lumpy.


Now we even have some heavily skanked up eye makeup with the cone licking!  Classy!

The jacket for this outfit is too boxy and bulky for me.  The illustrated ladies look fine though...


What can I say.  What are we selling here again?

I like the sash on this dress.


This "pose" makes this woman look really ugly facially.  I know it's called "ice cream colors" and so it probably seemed like a no brainer to have the models with ice cream cones but this looks asinine.  

I like the little bow on the waist of the dress but nothing much else.  It's way too much bright pink and the dress looks uncomfortable and constrictive.


And you probably thought you had seen the worse of it.  Nope.

Not into this outfit or the colors.  Or the model's hair.  That's not even a legitimate hair-do.  Maybe it's bed-head.


Not licking the cone, but licking her finger.  I don't get what is with these model's facial expressions because it's neither sexy or neutral.  They look kinda snooty.  And snooty ain't gonna sell sewing patterns sister!

I like the styling of this full skirt dress and the interesting mid section.


Now is when we see a revolt.  I am guessing Mr. Sim Plicity came down from his office to escort his daughter's girl scout troupe around and came across the whah-chicka- whah-whah music emitting from the studio.

Great neckline.

🍦  🍦  🍦

After the "photographer" is escorted out the building by security, the models refuse to look like prostitutes on camera...unless they are going to get paid like the high dollar ones, of course!

This outfit looks great on the model but not too exciting on the pattern envelope.

🍦  🍦  🍦

Hey look!  A pose with an ice cream cone that is actually cute and appealing.

I love this dress and the fabric print...and that little velvet bow in her hair.

🍦  🍦  🍦

We now have kids on the set, which wasn't allowed before due to the previous "photographer" having certain restraint orders against him.

Fun styling!

🍦  🍦  🍦

Fun color combination.  But her hips appear kinda wide.  Maybe if she had a wider belt it would off set the illusion.

🍦  🍦  🍦

I love everything about this dress.  Great style, color, and print.  Love the big pockets.

I also love her sassy look and slightly balled up fist.
"If you ever make us model like porno skanks help me I'll show you what else I can do with this ice cream cone!" 

Maybe some of you didn't think the ice cream cone licking nonsense looked suggestive...Maybe you might think I have my mind in the gutter...but I am telling you that photographer had lofty aspirations for Hustler, only I would bet he just worked at a Fotomat.

All pattern envelope source images came from various sites including: vintagepatterns.wikiaebay, and etsy

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Simplicity 1962: Your Prettiest 9 Months

This is my favorite feature in the 1962 Simplicity Spring pattern fashion catalog, called "Your Prettiest 9 months".
It's all maternity wear but so fashionable!

(The dress for this pattern is seen a bit below with blue and green flowers)


Step one: Place baby in tub.  Step two: Turn my back on baby so everyone can admire my cute outfit!
I love gingham, and more so in this brown version.  I also love the big bow on the front of the lady's hair on the pattern.


Oh I love this look!  Empire waists look good on all sizes of people.  I even like the colors and print used here.  This is the kind of outfit you can wear even when you aren't prego.  I like the green version on the pattern.


This is okay.  It's just a house coat but I do like the over-sized pockets and the collar.  The blue outfit on the pattern could have some possibilities.


Another great empire waist.


I like this shade of teal shown on the model.
I love the top with the Asian frog closure on the pattern envelope.  Aren't the pants/skirt interesting?!  I guess your big old baby belly just flaps outside the opening.  I know the top would cover it but I would still feel a bit exposed.  Kinda like those beer bellied guys whose t-shirts ride up on them.


So cute and comfortable looking!
 If you have to wear a tent for a top at least have a snazzy one like this with a flower applique and accent buttons.


What every pregnant woman needs....a  muu-muu!
 Nothing says "I'm HUGE and I'm not going out in public" like it!

 Just staying home to sew up some baby garb! And eat a couple of tubs of ice cream.

{Here is a vintage 70's layette pattern I made a bib from it in 2014.}

Her sewing machine in the muu-muu picture looks a lot like mine from the 1950's.

I know that comfort always outvotes fashion when you are as big as an elephant and need help putting on your shoes because you can't get to your feet (feet that have swelled up 3 shoe sizes even).  I wore my fair share of stretchy sweat pants and over-sized men's t-shirts around the house. But for public viewing I dressed as snazzy as one who can only waddle down a runway can.  I would have certainly loved to have had some of these outfits though!

All pattern envelope source images came from various sites including: vintagepatterns.wikiaebay, and etsy

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Simplicity 1962: Accessories Make A Fast Switch

Here is another article on fashion sense in the 1962 Simplicity Spring pattern fashion catalog, showing how accessories can change your day look into night.

During the day your going simple and subdued.  Cover your shoulders and wear all beige!

But when night rolls around, sister, watch out!  Toss off that cover-up jacket, bedazzle yourself with strands of sparkly costume jewelry, and top it all off with a green fez!

All pattern envelope source images came from various sites including: vintagepatterns.wikiaebay, and etsy