Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Elf Antics

PB's elves, Glupert and Bumpkins, generally come to our house the last couple of weeks of December.  Santa just can not spare them for the entire month.  They then hitch a ride back with him on Christmas Eve.
Here a few of their holiday antics we were able to catch on camera!

They consulted the Ouija board to learn if PB had been being good.

They trucked in a load of peppermints.

They had a holiday fiesta!

I also made some Elf inspired cupcakes in their honor one night while we watched the movie together.  We all know how much elves love sugar!

They are 'spaghetti' (yellow tinted frosting) topped with chocolate sauce, marshmallows, pop-tarts, and candy m&ms.

Here are some of their past shenanigans:

PB didn't seem too impressed or interested in them this year...I think their magic has run out.  I have heard that happens to a lot of elves when their kid reaches PB's age.

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