For the first loaf of this "week of loafing", it is a savory treat called Goobersnap!

{from Better Homes and Gardens Christmas ideas 1958}
Usually for Christmas I make edible treats for family because we all have too much stuff as it is. Edibles only take up space on our waistlines, and that's what elastic band britches are for!
My grandmother is diabetic and since I usually make sweet treats she gets left out (I make her something crafty instead). I then came across this recipe for Goobersnap and arrived at the late realization that I could have been making her savory treats all these years!

I had to ask her after she opened the loaf if I could snag a slice to do a taste test. I warmed it up in the microwave and added a pat of butter...delish! If you leave out the Parmesan cheese and garlic, and have it just with the peanuts I think it would be good with a slather of jelly...sugar free of course!
The other great thing about making loaf food gifts is that if your recipient is full up on treats these kind of edibles freeze well.
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