Yes, you are legitimately seeing a pink elephant...dancing among pink flamingos...and blowing a pink bubble. It's not a side effect from all those Pink Squirrels you downed at the blogiversary party a couple of days ago.
As part of MHICTy's 15 year blogiversary after-party, I made this fun pink elephant cake, no hang over required!

A pink bubble gum bubble at the end of her snout instead of the peanut!
For her other features (tusk, ear, eye, tail, and toes) I fashioned them from marshmallow fondant.
Ella the Elephant (or Wanda Mae the Woolly Mammoth)
was obviously delicious because of her copious coconut coat!

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Huh? You're seeing more pink elephants? Human wonky looking ones wearing shoes and satin gloves? You must have been nipping at Gladys' peppermint schnapps.
I kid! This is Earl and Ethel. I asked them to mingle at the after party to make Bernice think she's loosing her pink marbles. Everyone is in on it, so shhhh!!
For a vintage cake, Ella sure is cute!
Thanks Jennilee!
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