{Better Homes and Gardens 1958}
*~ Welcome, Welcome ~*
Thank you for coming to
My House Is Cuter Than Yours
15 year blogiversary!
I see you found the house easily! I gave it a fresh coat of pink paint just for the occasion!
Let me give you a bit of a home tour beforehand...
{image source}
The living room has been painted, rugged, and reupholstered in Carnation Kiss Pink! I made the dye myself by grinding up all the prize carnations Eunice had growing in her perfectly manicured garden! She was out of town that week and blames the crime on delinquent prom goers who forgot to get their dates corsages.
Next on the tour...The boudoir...
The living room has been painted, rugged, and reupholstered in Carnation Kiss Pink! I made the dye myself by grinding up all the prize carnations Eunice had growing in her perfectly manicured garden! She was out of town that week and blames the crime on delinquent prom goers who forgot to get their dates corsages.
Next on the tour...The boudoir...
You can put your things here in the Flamingo Fantasy Frilly Frou Frou Flowery room. Just mind all the ruffles and bows and lace and chiffon and frou... So, um, just put your things down on the floor. That would be best.
Moving along to the indoor outhouse...
Moving along to the indoor outhouse...
Damn it Bernice. You're still in the bathroom?! You're not going to get that ramshackled home-did perm looking any better than a Brillo pad. I told you not to buy beauty products from the dirt mall. Please, just put down my pink hair brush and go marinate the cotton candy pop tarts!
Let's head over to the kitchen, I think I smell the bubble gum and shrimp kabobs burning. Oh...it was just the pickled pig's feet salad. That's it's normal aroma.
Well, everything seems to be order here, so let's head down to the rumpus room and get this party started!
I've got a full bar set up for this special occasion! It has the works! Pink Squirrels, Pepto shooters, pink lemonade....garnished with Vienna wienies and pink pearl erasers!
No? Well, maybe later.
Let me introduce you to some of the other guests...
No? Well, maybe later.
Let me introduce you to some of the other guests...
This is Pattie. She has a bit of an unhealthy obsession with the color pink. Her hobbies include dying her pet poodles pink and working for Mary Kay to earn that pink minivan. Obviously, an expert in her field, I sought her proficient advice for this affair!

{image source}
This is Millie. She asked if she could bring someone worth talking to, so she brought her dog. Millie, I am fine with Scrappy, he's a great listener...but I have got a theme going here! You can either go see Pattie about a fuchsia dye job for him or feed that pooch some Gaines Burgers which will result in decorative pink piles for the yard!
This is...ah... Martha. She is putting her pink taffeta dress uniform back in to action after being retired (like 40 years ago!) from her days at the Pink Coral Corral. She still thinks she can work for tips so don't accept anything from her without full well knowing you're gonna have to slip her a nickel.

And this is....Pattie, again. She brought several selections from her pink infused wardrobe. I expect she is going to try pulling an impromptu fashion show at some point during the party. If she did it at her cousin Earl's funeral and got away with it, she'll surely try it here too.
Let's move along before she starts pulling out all of her different shades of pink lipstick.

This is Gladys. Don't spend too much time near her. She claims the pink she is sporting is pink eye... That's why she keeps waving that used handkerchief around. I've got her set up by herself here in the den with a bottle of peppermint schnapps. She'll stay plastered to that pink arm chair all afternoon.
Let's just clear away from her and grab some grub.
{Better Homes and Gardens Holiday Cook Book 1967}
I set up a beautiful array of pink punch, pastries, and pleasantries!
I set up a beautiful array of pink punch, pastries, and pleasantries!
{Good House Keeping 10 PM Cook Book 1958}
Lobster Cream Slop. Heavy on the slop.
Lobster Cream Slop. Heavy on the slop.

{Family Circle Illustrated Library of Cooking 1972}
Tower of Frozen Pepto Bismol. Heavy on the hurl.
And for dessert we have this grand ombre pink delicate ruffled wide load doll cake. Heavy on the hips.
Wait! Drop that baloney croquette!
The Spamettes are about to preform!
Wait! Drop that baloney croquette!
The Spamettes are about to preform!
I was lucky to book them for this party. Originally they were going to be bridesmaids for their sister's wedding today but when it got canceled due to a shortage of deviled ham they didn't want the dresses to go to waste and decided to form a girl band!
They only know two songs: Little Pink Houses and Pink Cadillac, but they can perform them in multitudes of ways! They can sing in German to a mariachi beat, sing in Spanish to a polka beat, and can even rap the songs with a southern drawl!
Presents?! For me?!
I'm glad to see some of you read the fine print on the invitations.
My first gift is from Martha.
{image source}
You made this yourself didn't you!?
Well...What is it?
A hair roller caddie made from an old bleach bottle?
It's the most beautiful piece of trash I've ever seen! Thanks Martha!
You made this yourself didn't you!?
Well...What is it?
A hair roller caddie made from an old bleach bottle?
It's the most beautiful piece of trash I've ever seen! Thanks Martha!
What do we have here from Pattie?
Bernice just tossed her gift at me....
Well I have a little parting gift for all of you!

A coupon for 5 cents off a bottle of Thrill dish soap!
This has been a fantabulous pinkalicious party!

{Better Homes and Gardens Nov 1956}
But don't put your fuzzy pink bunny slippers away just yet! For the rest of the week it's going to be an after-party of pink inspired posts!
But don't put your fuzzy pink bunny slippers away just yet! For the rest of the week it's going to be an after-party of pink inspired posts!
In an aside to Gladys as I adjust my pink mask: "That house looks like it's been hosed down with Pepto Bismol!"
Gladys: "Well, that Mary always was a show off!"
Happy Anniversary, Mary!
Thanks for coming to the shindig Jennilee!
That Gladys is a jealous hussy! My Pepto house is cuter than her boring old Band-aid beige one and she knows it!
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