Saturday, June 06, 2020

Lambie Cake Winning

During Easter I entered the Mid Century Menu Lamb Cake Contest and I am proud to annouce I won "Best Detail" for my Crunch 'n Munch Lambie Cake!
As my prize I received an official Lamb cake tote bag!
I think it may be the perfect thing to store my lamb cake pan in because of it's wonky self and non-nesting pans.  Now I can put the pans in the tote and hang it up for safe keeping!

Go check out all of the other amazing winners here.
And all the entries here!

My favorite was the zombie lamb cake.  As a matter of fact, I was going to do a zombie lamb originally but getting all of the supplies was going to be difficult at the time.  The Fiddle Faddle/Crunch 'n Munch idea was my alternative idea.  I think it was the best one to go with though.  It tasted fantastic and two zombie cakes would have been embarrassing, like showing up to prom wearing the same dress as someone else...and especially if it looks better on them!