{image source Ladies Home Journal Nov 1950}
{Click on image for recipe enlargement}
My! My! What a pie!
Pineapple Custard!
"No ordinary pie, this. It's utterly different."
"Guests will beg for this recipe."
Pssst..hey, guests! The recipe is up above!
What a neat looking pie! Mine didn't turn out with the perfect layers but close enough. The recipe only calls for a 9 oz can of crushed pineapple but that doesn't exist anymore. I used an entire 20 oz can and it was just fine. I also worked a bit harder on my pie crust edge skills and think this one is most acceptable. I do admit this pie was just a touch bland or something was a little off. It could be me. I have a thing about not liking foods that are mush textured (ie: pudding, bananas, ice cream). I still have all my teeth so I like to use them. I don't mean I want to eat rocks, it's just that mushy stuff needs a little crunch in my opinion.
Recipe repair: More nuts on top for added crunch. For more flavor mix in some brown sugar with the cream cheese. Some coconut sprinkled on top because why not.
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