Selections from the 1962 Simplicity Spring Pattern Catalog
The catalog is broken up into articles/features showcasing the new spring clothing line. The first feature is the announcement of the new "Eased Look...most becoming fashion in years."
" ...the Eased Look is as easy to wear as it sounds, and lends it'self to endless variations for every figure. The key to the look is the waist-skimming effect that eases gently through the midriff, creating a fluid, unbroken, line both slim and supple."
The Eased Look is a boxy, casual fit, with a lack of a fitted nipped in waistline that was so popular the decade previous. Here are a few examples:

This look is not too bad. I think it's the A line skirt that is helping to create a slim silhouette.

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I love the color of this outfit and the styling for the most part. But the Eased Look makes it appear that the top is ill-fitting and too big for the model in the waist area in my opinion. Also this style makes her look like she doesn't have any boobs...

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There is something cute about this outfit as well. I think it's that the slim skirt offsets the boxy top. I don't think I could wear orange and yellow though. Make it moss green and gray.

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And what the .... is going on with this photo. It looks like an "oops" taken pic got sent into the printers by mistake. The outfit would look better if the waist was more defined...but that's the style of the Eased Look.

I like the idea of the Eased Look because I know that for myself my waistline fluctuates and this style would allow for greater concealment. The Eased Look appears to be a bit more comfortable than a waist fitting top. Only I doubt it because the skirt waist band under the top would be snug fitting and non-elastic. So it breaks down to the boxy top would cover your flabby midsection, only the unforgiving waistband underneath is going to be cutting into your gut, but no one will see! Maybe that's why that last model is putting up her hand in defiance.
For the most part I think the look is a bit frumpy. All sizes and figures look best with some slimming definition in the waist area.
All pattern envelope source images came from various sites including: vintagepatterns.wikia, ebay, and etsy